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Arsenic Field Test kit

Arsenic Field Test kit

Arsenic Field Test kit is suitable for analysis of Arsenic in water samples wherein laboratory access is not present. The kit allows analysis of Arsenic on-site instead of bringing the water sample all the way back to the city.

The kit can be used for checking Arsenic content in water between the range 10 ppb-500 ppb by color comparison of the bromide paper with the standard color chart. Reagents and consumables can be repurchased as per requirement.


  • Portable, light and easy to use.
  • Suitable for upto 50 Arsenic samples.
  • Detection limit 10ppb- 500 ppb.
  • The reagents and other consumables may be refilled as per requirement.
  • Colorimetric detection method.

NRs. 14690 including 13% VAT

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