"Serving Communities with safe water, sustainable sanitation and healthy environment."

info@ecoconcern.com.np 977-01-5421513

Launch of ECC Vial

Events Details

Eco Concern Pvt. Ltd. and ENPHO are jointly launching the E. coli and Coliform (ECC) Vial. ECC Vial is an innovative, simple, and easy-to-use device that determines if the given water sample has fecal contamination, through the detection of E. coli and Coliform. During the launch, we will touch on the motivation behind developing this product; highlight its features and show how different market segments can benefit from its use.

Events Name Launch of ECC Vial
Organisers Eco-concern, ENPHO
Start Date & Time 17th Jan 2020, 09:00 AM
End Date & Time 17th Jan 2020, 12:00 PM
Registration Deadline 15th Jan 2020, 11:00 AM
Registration Fees Nrs. - Only
Venue Summit Hotel, Kupondole Height, Lalitpur
Contact Info +977 9801858901, +977 015151358
Includes -
Not Includes Other than Includes

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