Venue: EcoConcern office Date: 29th December 2020
Eco Concern Pvt. Ltd. has Launched a new app &q...
Venue: Summit Hotel, Kupondole Height, Lalitpur Date: 17th January 2020
Eco Concern Pvt. Ltd. and ENPHO are jointly lau...
EcoConcern provides laboratory services through ENPHO Lab. ENPHO Lab has been providing its analytical services on water, air, soil and food quality. ENPHO Laboratory has been accredited under the NEPLAS criteria (based on ISO 17025) by Nepal Bureau of Standards and Metrology, Government of Nepal. Laboratory division of ENPHO is well equipped with sophisticated instruments like atomic absorption spectrophotometer (AAS), ultra violet (UV) spectrophotometer, double distillation unit, four digital electronic balance, pH meter, electrical conductivity meters, automatic digestion and distillation units, and various types of oven, incubator, and furnace for physical and chemical parameter analysis. Furthermore, it is equipped with several filtration units (Millipore and Del Agua units), different range of incubators, autoclave and refrigerator for microbiological analysis.
EcoConcern provides Consultancy services for Planning, Design, Construction, Supervision of Feacal Sludge treatment (FST) including assistance for the operation and management with trainings and supervision for treatment facilities. EcoConcern also provides consultancy services for design, dissemination and capacity building for promotion of innovative , ecological and environment friendly technology related to water , utilities, water conservation ,rain water harvesting , water storage ,water recharge, waste management and energy generation and use at households , education and health institutions , office and corporate building.
EcoConcern is engaged in production and distribution of Water treatment ,Sanitation and energy related products such as Piyush, Piyush Plus,1% Chlorine Solution, ENPHO Field waster test kit, Coliform Presence/Absence Tests Kit, ENPHO Body Belt incubator, Chlorine Test Kit, Colloidal Silver (CS) filer , Bio-sand filter, Rainwater Harvesting system, Eco Rainwater Filter, Eco Kitchen Filter etc.
EcoConcern provides training for water quality testing for Lab services and training services for the planning, operation, and Lab setup for Feacal Sludge Management (FSM). Besides these services EcoConcern provides capacity building training services on health care waste (HCW) issues for all level of service providers.
EcoConcern offers complete project implementation and management for the projects related to Feacal Sludge Management, Water treatment, water conservation, Rain water harvesting, Ground water recharge, household and institutional liquid and solid waste management and alternative energy.
Project implementation Services include:
PAANI DOCTOR App aims to serve client with services and products of EcoConcern with reduced time and cost of the customer, making it more convenient without compromising in its quality. With this app, you can have drinking water at your home tested in laboratory and get reports delivered online. You can also get our Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) products delivered to your doorstep through this app. Water treatment products (like Piyush, Piyush Colloidal Silver Candle filters), water testing products (P/A vial, ECC vial), rainwater filters are our few products among many others.
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